Translation experience (English to Arabic)

• 2009: FAO. State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.

• 2006-2009: FAO, IPPC, International Standards of Phytosanitary Measures.

• 2006-2009: FAO, IPPC, International Phytosanitary Poratal (IPP)

• 2002: FAO. The Desert Locust. FAO Publications, Rome, Italy. 183 pp. (Published recently).

• 2002: FAO. Locust Control by Pesticides. FAO Publications, Rome, Italy. 306 pp. (Published recently).

• 1994: ICARDA. Field Guide to Lentil Diseases and Insect Pests. ICARDA, Aleppo. 107 pp.

• 1994: FAO. Plant Quarantine: Theory and Practices. FAO Publications, Rome, Italy.

• 1992: ICRISAT/ICARDA. Field Diagnosis of Chickpea Diseases and Their Control. Information Bulletin no. 28. 52 pp.

• 1990: CABI, FAO, ASPP. Plant Pathologist's Pocket Book. Arab Society for Plant Protection Publication. Beirut, Lebanon, 600 pp.



1. بياعة، بسام. 2007. تطوير المقرر ركيزة أساسية لتطوير المنهاج. ندوة تطوير المناهج والاختصاصات الجامعية،8-9 تموز/يوليو 2007، جامعة حلب Development Bassam Bayaa.doc

2. صبيح، علي.، بياعة، بسام.، أبانغ، ماثيو.، حسن، محمد.، الإبراهيم، وطفة.، قباقبجي، منذر. 2008. تقويم أداء أصناف من الفول Vicia faba L. سورية المنشأ إزاء عزلات مختلفة من الفطر Ascochyta fabae Speg. تمثل مجتمعات الفطر في سورية (موافقة مجلة جامعة تشرين رقم 108/ص م ج ت تاريخ 29/1/2008 )

3. صبيح، علي.، بياعة، بسام.، أبانغ، ماثيو.، حسن، محمد.، الإبراهيم، وطفة. 2008. دراسة الصفات المظهرية المميزة والقدرة الإمراضية لعزلات من الفطر Ascochyta fabae Speg. ، الكائن المسبب لمرض لفحة أسكوكيتا الفول مجموعة من محافظات سورية مختلفة. (موافقة مجلة جامعة تشرين رقم 298/ص م ج ت تاريخ 26/3/2008 )

4. الرحمون، بركات.، نيان، عبد العزيز.، بياعة، بسام.، حسن، محمود.، بيشاو، زويدي.، كبابي، سهام. 2008. دور المطهرات الفطرية في الإقلال من عدد الرشات على المجموع الخضري لمكافحة مرض التبقع الأسكوكيتي في الحمص . مجلة وقاية النبات العربية. 26: 129-134

5. الرحمون، بركات.، نيان، عبد العزيز.، بياعة، بسام.، حسن، محمود.، بيشاو، زويدي. تأثير تشميس بذور الحمص في مكافحة التبقع الأسكوكيتى Ascochyta rabiei المحمول على البذور. مجلة وقاية النبات العربية 26: 32-37

6. Abang, M, Bayaa, B, Abu-Irmaileh, B, Yahyaoui, A. 2007. A participatory farming systems approach for sustainable broomrape (Orobanche spp.) research and management in the Near East and North Africa. Crop Protection (on line): Click Here.

7. Akem. C, Belar, M and Bayaa, B. 2006. Comparative growth and pathogenicity of geographical isolates of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on lentil genotypes. Plant Pathology Journal 5 (1): 67-71

8. Abdul-Hadi, Z, Asaad, S, Bayaa, B, Bahnasy, K, Fouad, A, Grando, S, Ketata, H, Kumari, S, Malhotra, R, Mosaad, M, Pande, S, Rafea, A, Rajab, A, Shata, A, Ranga Rao, GV, Yehyaoui, A, Yehia, , M, Said El-Zemaity, M. 2006. Rapid Generation of Plant Protection Expert Systems. Pages 282-287 in Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Computers in Agriculture and Natural Resources (Fedro Zazueta, Jiannong Xin, Seishi Ninomiya and Gerhard Schiefer, eds.). Published by American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, Michigan 49085-9659, USA.

9. Bayaa, B. (2006). Integrated pest management of faba bean (Vicia fabae) in sustainable agriculture. Faba Bean Workshop, Cordoba, Spain, 23-25 October 2006 CORDOBA 22-27 OCTOBER 2006 (KEY NOTE) bean 2006/Session3-Bayaa.pdf

10. Pande, S.; Siddique, K.H.M.; Kishore, G.K.; Bayaa, B.; Gaur, P.M.; Gowda, C.L.L.; Bretag, T.W.; Crouch, J.H. 2005. Ascochyta blight of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.): A review of biology, pathogenicity, and disease management. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56(4): 317-332.

11. Bayaa, B.; El-Bouhssini, M. 2005. Plant resistance, cultural practices, and biocontrol, important components in IPM prgram at ICARDAProceedings of the first Symposium on Integrated Pest Management in the United Arab Emirates 1st Symposium on Integrated Pest Management in the United Arab Emirates. 22-23 May 2005, Al Ain (United Arab Emirates) p. 31-50. (Ar). The Department of Aridland Agriculture, College of Food Systems, Al-Ein (United Arab Emirates)

12. El-Hassan, S.; Gowen, S.; Bayaa, B. 2004. Antifungal activity of Bacillus subtilis filtrate to control Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lentis, the causal organism of lentil vascular wilt. IOBC wprs Bulletin 27 (1): 53-58. Click Here.

13. Amaraya, S.; Kabbabeh, S.; Bayaa, B. 2004. Evaluation of some seed dressing fungicides to control soil-borne fungi affecting chickpea and lentil. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 22(2): 136-141.

14. El-Ashkar, F.; Sarker, A.; Erskine, W.; Bayaa, B.; El-Hassan, H.; Kadah, N.; Karim, B.A. 2004. Registration of 'Idlib-3' lentil. Crop Science 44(6): 2261. et al 2005.pdf

15. El-Ashkar, F.; Sarker, A.; Erskine, W.; Bayaa, B.; El-Hassan, H.; Kadah, N.; Karim, B.A. 2004. Registration of 'Idlib-4' lentil. Crop Science 44(6): 2261-2262.

16. Sarker, A.; Bayaa, B.; El-Hassan, H.; Erskine, W. ICARDA, 2004. .New sources of resistance for Fusarium wilt in lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus subsp. culinaris). Journal of Lentil Research 1:30-33.

17. Bayaa, B.; Yahyaoui, A. 2005. Keys to orobanche management.. ICARDA: 8 p. (En).

18. Bayaa, B.; Pala, M.; Khalil, S.; El-Hossein, N.; Sarker, A.; Haddad, A.; Kharrat, M.; Erskine, W.; Saxena, M.C . 2003. Integrated management of Orobanche on food legumes. Expert Consultation Meeting. 6-9 April 2003, Rabat (Morocco) (En). ICARDA

19. El-Ashkar, F.; Sarker, A.; Haddad, N.; Bayaa, B.; El-Hassan, H.; Erskine, W. 2003. Registration of 'Idlib-2' lentil. Crop Science 43(2): 728-729.

20. Bayaa, B.; Kabbabeh, S. 2000. First record in Syria of Didymella fabae, the Teleomorph of Ascochyta fabae and causal organism of faba bean blight. Plant Disease 84: 1140.

21. Kumari, S.G.; Makkouk, K.M.; Bayaa, B. 2001.Pea enation mosaic virus 1- infecting lentil in Syria, and further information on its host range, purification, serology and transmission characteristics. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 19(2): 65-72.

22. Al-Hussien, N.; Bayaa, B.; Erskine, W. 2002. Integrated management of lentil broomrape, 1. Sowing date and chemical treatments. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 20(2): 84-92.

23. Ahmed, S.; Akem, C.; Bayaa, B.; Erskine, W. 2002. Integrating host resistance with planting date and fungicide seed treatment to manage Fusarium wilt and so increase lentil yields. International Journal of Pest Management 48(2): 121-125

24. Sarker, A.; Bayaa, B.; Erskine, W. 2001. Registration of six lentil germplasm lines with resistance to vascular wilt. Crop Science 41(5): 1655. (En). Crop Science Society of America, Madison (USA)

25. Malhotra, R.S.; Baum, M.; Udupa, S.M.; Bayaa, B. 2001. Ascochyta blight research in chickpea - present status and future prospects. North American Pulse Improvement Association Workshop. 28-30 Oct 2001, Fargo, North Dakota (USA). ICARDA

26. Khalil, S.; El-Borai, M.A.; Sarker, A.; Bayaa, B.; Erskine, W.; Maharani, R.S. 2001. Controlling Orobanche in faba bean and lentil. Abstracts of Contributions of the Symposium of LEGUMED, Grain Legumes in the Mediterranean Agriculture (faba beans and other grain legumes in today Mediterranean agriculture: biotic constraints and integrated regional strategy) Grain Legumes in the Mediterranean Agriculture. 25-27 Oct 2001, Rabat, Morocco. p. 5-7. (En). IAV Hassan II, Rabat (Morocco) ICARDA

27. Akem, C.; Malhotra, R.; Bayaa, B.; Mouselli, M.N.; Kababbeh, S. 2000. Taking blight off chickpea. ICARDA Caravan 12 (June issue 2000): 18. (En).

28. Bayaa, B.; El-Hossein, N.; Erskine, W. 2000. Attractive but deadly. ICARDA Caravan 12 (June issue 2000): 16. (En)

29. Eujayl, I., Erskine, W., Bayaa, B.., Baum, M. and Pehu, E. 1998. Fusarium vascular wilt of lentil: Inheritance and identification of DNA markers for resistance. Plant Breeding 117: 497-499.

30. Makkouk, K. M., Kumari, S., and Bayaa, B.. 1999. First Report of Pea Enation Mosaic Virus Affecting Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) in Syria. Plant Disease 83(3):303.

31. Obaedo, H., Mamluk, O. F. and Bayaa, B.. 1999. Determination of primary sources of infection of Septoria leaf blotch on wheat in Syria. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 17 (2): 49-59

32. Bayaa, B.., Kumari, S., Akkaya, A., Erskine, W., Makkouk, K. M., Türk, Z. and ?zberk, I. 1998. Survey of Major Biotic Stresses of Lentil in South Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 37, 88-95

33. Bayaa, B., Erskine, W. and Singh, M. 1997. Screening Lentil For Resistance to Fusarium Wilt: Methodology And Sources of Resistance. Euphytica, 98: 69-74.

34. El-Hassan, S., Bayaa, B., Erskine, W. and Akem, C. 1997. Antagonistic Effects of Bacillus spp. Against the Causal Organism of lentil Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lentis). Arab Journal of Plant Protection 15 (2): 65-73.

35. Akem, C., Kemal, S. and Bayaa, B. 1997. Towards an integrated disease management of wilt/root rot of chickpea and lentil in WANA: the rationale. Second International Conference on Soil Solarization and Integrated Management of Soilborne Pests, Aleppo (Syria), 16-21 Mar 1997. P 35

36. Erskine, W. Bayaa B. and Saxena, M.C. 1996. Registration of ILL 5588 lentil germplasm resistant to vascular wilt and Ascochyta blight. Crop Science. 36: 1080.

37. Erskine, W. Bayaa B. 1996. Yield loss, incidence and inoculum density associated with vascular wilt of lentil. Phytopathologia mediterranea, 35: 24-32.

38. Bayaa, B.., Erskine, W. and Hamdi, A. 1995. Evaluation of a wild lentil collection for resistance to vascular wilt. Genetic Resource and Crop Evolution, 42: 231-235.

39. Abou-Zeid, N., Erskine, W. and Bayaa, B.. 1995. Preliminary screening of lentil for resistance to downy mildew. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 13 (1): 17-19;LB1999000025

40. Erskine, W., Bayaa, B.. and Abbas,A. 1995. Relationship between electrophoretic patterns and the resistance to lentil vascular wilt in different lentil cultivars. Aleppo University Research Journal, 23: 9-34.

41. Bayaa, B.., Erskine, W. and Hamdi, A. 1994. Response of wild lentil to Ascochyta fabae f.sp. lentis from Syria. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 41: 61-65. Click Here.

42. Kraft, J.M.; Haware, M.P.; Jimenez-Diaz, R.M.; Bayaa, B.; Harrabi, M. 1994. Screening techniques and sources of resistance to root rots and wilts in cool season food legumes. Euphytica (Netherlands), 73(1-2): 27-39
43. Bayaa, B.., Erskine, W. and Abbas, A. 1994. Evaluating different methods for screening lentil germplasm for resistance to lentil wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lentis. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 12 (2): 83-91.;LB1999000075

44. Bellar, M. and Bayaa, B.. 1993. Survey and identification of disease conditions which affect pine trees and seedlings in Northern Syria and their causal agents. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 11 (2): 58-65.;LB1999000095

45. S.P.S. Beniwal, B.Baya'a, S. Weigand, KH. Makkouk and M.C. Saxena. 1993. Field guide to lentil diseases and insect pest. ICARDA, 103 pp

46. Khare, M.N.; Bayaa, B.; Beniwal, S.P.S. 1993. Selection methods for disease resistance in lentil. p. 107-121 in: Breeding for stress tolerance in cool-season food legumes, Singh, K.B.Saxena, M.C. (eds.).- Chichester (United Kingdom): John Wiley and Sons Ltd,;GB9409777

47. Tahir, M., Bayaa, B., Walker, GK., Anderson, WR. 1992. A review of dryland agricultural research in high elevation of northwestern Iran: Achievements and suggestions for future. ICARDA. 33 pages.;QV9300220

48. Mamlouk, O.F., Tahhan, O., Miller, R., Bayaa, B.., Makkouk, K.M. and Hanounik, S. 1992. A checklist of cereal, food legumes and pasture and forage crop diseases and insects in Syria. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 10 (2): 166-225.

49. Kyriakopoulou, P.H.., Panagopoulos, C.G. and Bayaa, B.. 1992. Eucalyptus in Greece. The trees are threatened by a serious infectious disease. Georgia. Ktinotrophia, 3 (5): 18-24 (in Greek with English summary).

50. Al-Daoudi, R., El-Ahmed, M., Bayaa, B.. and Makkouk, K. 1991. Incompatibility between rootstock and scion of grapevine in Syria is possibly caused by a virus. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 9 (1): 66-67.;LB9100303

51. Makkouk, K.M., Abou Gharbieh, W., Bayaa, B.., Sharif, S. and Saghir, A.R. 1991. Plant Protection research in the Arab countries. Present status and future perspective. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 9 (2): 68-79.;LB9300025

52. Bayaa, B..O. and Erskine, W. 1990. A screening technique for resistance to vascular wilt in lentils. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 8 (1): 30-33.

53. Erskine, W., Bayaa, B..O. and Dholli, M. 1990. The transmissibility of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lentis via seeds and the effect of some biotic and abiotic factors on its growth. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 8(1): 34-37.;LB9100219

54. Bos, L., Makkouk, K.M. and Bayaa. B. 1990. Witches' broom and decline of Eucalyptus, a serious disease in Syria, likely caused by mycoplasma. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 8 (2): 133-135.;LB9100291

55. Bayaa, B and Warrak, W. 1990. First record of tomato wilt and pith necrosis in Syria. 1-Disease symptoms, characterization of the causal organism and some conditions predisposing plant to infection. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 8 (2): 88-95.;LB9100282

56. Ibrahime, J. and Bayaa, B..O. 1989. Fungal, bacterial and nematological problems of citrus, grapes and stone fruit trees in the Arab countries. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 7(2): 201-209.;LB9100208

57. Bayaa, B..O., Erskine, W. and Khoury, L. 1986. Survey of wilt damage on lentils in Northern Syria. Arab Journal of Plant Protection. 4: 118-119.


Abstracts/posters in congresses




4. Al-Rahmoun, B., Nian, A., Bayaa, B., Hassan, M., Bishaw, Z., Kabbabeh, S. (2006). Potential of seed dressing to Minimize foliar sprays against Ascochyta blight in chickpea varieties with varying levels of tolerance. 9th Arab Congress of Plant Protection., 19-24 November, Damascus -Syria

5. Bayaa, B., Abang M.M., Kabbabeh, S., Murad, S. (2006). Refined methodology for efficient screening of chickpea for resistance to Ascochyta blight. 9th Arab Congress of Plant Protection., 19-24 November, Damascus -Syria

6. Abdel-Momen, S., Al-Mohamed, I.,and Bayaa, B. (2006). Genetic variability among some Egyptian and Syrian isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris. 9th Arab Congress of Plant Protection., 19-24 November, Damascus -Syria

7. Salah Eddin Khabbaz, D. Ladhalakshmi , V. Valluvaparidasan, Bassam Bayaa and Ahmed EL – Ahmed 2006. Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) for the management of cotton Fusarium wilt and bacterial leaf streak of wheat under in vitro conditions at Syria9th Arab Congress of Plant Protection., 19-24 November, Damascus -Syria

8. Bayaa, B., Sarker, A., Abang, M.M., Furman, B., Bayaa, A., Murad, S., Kabbabeh, S., El-Hassan, H., Ismail, A. (2006). Preliminary evaluation of resistance to lentil vascular wilt in large-seeded lentil. 9th Arab Congress of Plant Protection., 19-24 November, Damascus -Syria

9. Bayaa, B., Sbeih, A., Hassan M., Kabakebji M., Murad S., Abang, M.M., Kabbabeh, S., Ibrahim, W. (2006). Pathogenic variability in Syrian populations of Ascochyta fabae Speg. and identification of sources of resistance within Syrian landraces. 9th Arab Congress of Plant Protection., 19-24 November, Damascus -Syria (Abstract)

10. Khalil, S., Bayaa, B., Singh, M., Malhotra, R., and S. Rajaram. (2006). Performance of yield and yield components of ten faba bean (Vicia faba L.) crosses under heavy infection with Ascochyta blight (Ascochyta fabae Speg.) disease. International Workshop on faba bean breeding and agronomy: Córdoba (Spain), 25-27 October, 2006, Ávila, C.M.Cubero, J.I.Moreno, M.T.Suso, M.J.Torres, A.M..- Sevilla (España): IFAPA, 2006. 49-51.

11. Malhotra, R.S.; Bayaa, B.; Warkentin, T.; Knights, E.J. 2005. Breeding chickpeas for resistance to Ascochyta blight and Fusarium wilt. ASA Annual Meetings. 6-10 Nov 2005, Salt Lake City, Utah (USA)

12. Sarker, A.; Bayaa, B.; Erskine, W. . 2005. Combating lentil diseases through host plant resistance. Abstract Proceedings of the International Edible Legume Conference International Edible Legume Conference. 24-28 April 2005, Durban (South Africa) p. 10. (En).

13. Bayaa, B.; Kabbabeh, S. 2005. Fungicide timing affects control of chickpea Ascochyta blight (Ascochyta rabiei) in Syria.. 15th Biennial Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference Handbook “Innovation for sustainable plant health” 15th Biennial Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference. 26-29 Sept 2005, Geelong, Victoria (Australia) p. 331. (En).

14. Bayaa, B.; Kabakebji, M.; Khalil, S.; Furman, B.; Kabbabeh, S. 2005. New faba bean (Vicia faba L.) lines with combined resistance to Ascochyta fabae Speg. and Botrytis fabae Sard. Food Legumes for Nutritional Security and Sustainable Agriculture - Abstracts 4th International Food Legumes Research Conference. 18-22 Oct 2005, New Delhi (India) p. 78. (En). Kharkwal, M.C. (ed.). Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, New Delhi (India)

15. Sarker, A.; Bayaa, B.; Mishra, S.K.; Erskine, W. . 2004. Breeding for disease resistance in lentil. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting: Abstract, Proceedings American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting. 2004, Seattle (USA) p. 297. (En).

16. Sarker, A.; Bayaa, B.; Mishra, S.K.; Bretag, T.; Erskine, W. 2004. Sources of resistance: Key to combat lentil diseases. Conference Handbook 5th European Conference of Grain Legumes 2nd International Conference on Legume Genomics and Genetics. 7-11 June 2004, Dijon (France) p. 91, 345. (En). European Association for Grain Legumes Research (AEP) Paris (France)

17. Malhotra, R.S.; Bayaa, B.; Baum, M.; Udupa, S.M. 2004. Breeding chickpea for Ascochyta blight resistance. Conference Handbook 5th European Conference of Grain Legumes 2nd International Conference on Legume Genomics and Genetics. 7-11 June 2004, Dijon (France) p. 143. (En). European Association for Grain Legumes Research (AEP) Paris (France)

18. Bayaa, B.; Van Leur, J.A.G.; Paull, J.; Khalil, S.; Kabakebji, M.; Kabbabeh, S. 2004. New faba bean lines with combined resistance to Ascochyta fabae Speg., and Botrytis fabae Sard. 5th European Conference on Grain Legumes: Conference Handbook 5th European Conference of Grain Legumes 2nd International Conference on Legume Genomics and Genetics. 7-11 June 2004, Dijon (France) p. 324. (En). European Association for Grain Legumes Research (AEP) Paris (France)

19. Bayaa, B.; Kabakebji, M.; Khalil, S.; Street, K. 2004. Pathogenicity of Syrian isolates of Ascochyta fabae Speg., and Botrytis fabae Sard., and sources of resistance to both pathogens in a germplasm collection from central Asia and Caucasia.. 5th European Conference on Grain Legumes: Conference Handbook 5th European Conference of Grain Legumes 2nd International Conference on Legume Genomics and Genetics. 7-11 June 2004, Dijon (France) p. 308. (En). European Association for Grain Legumes Research (AEP) Paris (France)

20. Bayaa, B.; Udupa, S.M.; Baum, M.; Malhotra, R.S.; Kabbabeh, S. 2004. Pathogenic variability in Syrian isolates of Ascochyta rabiei. 5th European Conference on Grain Legumes: Conference Handbook 5th European Conference of Grain Legumes 2nd International Conference on Legume Genomics and Genetics. 7-11 June 2004, Dijon (France) p. 306. (En). European Association for Grain Legumes Research (AEP) Paris (France).

21. Malhotra, R.S.; Bayaa, B.; Kabbabeh, S.; Khalaf, G. 2003. Sources of resistance to chickpea vascular wilt. Abstract Book 8th Arab Congress of Plant Protection. 12-16 Oct 2003, El-Beida (Libya) p. 108-A p. 102-E. (Ar;En). Bayaa, B. Makkouk, K.M. Kumari, S.G. El-Ghariani, I. (eds.). Arab Society for Plant Protection, Beirut (Lebanon)

22. Malhotra, R.S.; Baum, M.; Udupa, S.M.; Bayaa, B.; Kababbeh, S.; Khalaf, G. 2003. Ascochyta blight research in chickpea - present status and future prospects. Proceedings of the International Chickpea Conference Chickpea Research for the Millennium. 20-22 Jan 2003, Raipur, Chhattisgarh (India) (En). Sharma, R.N. Srivastava, G.K. Rahore, A.L. Sharma, M.L. Khan, M.A. (eds.). ICARDA

23. El-Hassan, S.; Gowen, S.; Bayaa, B. 2003. In-vitro studies on the potential for biological control of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lentis by Trichoderma hamatum. Abstract Book 8th Arab Congress of Plant Protection. 12-16 Oct 2003, El-Beida (Libya) p. 139-A p. 133-E. (Ar;En). Bayaa, B. Makkouk, K.M. Kumari, S.G. El-Ghariani, I. (eds.). Arab Society for Plant Protection, Beirut (Lebanon)

24. El-Hassan, S.; Gowen, S.; Bayaa, B. 2003. In-vitro and in-vivo studies on the use of Bacillus subtilis to control Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lentis, the causal organism of lentil vascular wilt. Eighth Arab Congress of Plant Protection: Abstract Book 8th Arab Congress of Plant Protection. 12-16 Oct 2003, El-Beida (Libya) p. 139-A p. 132-E. (Ar;En). Bayaa, B. Makkouk, K.M. Kumari, S.G. El-Ghariani, I. (eds.). Arab Society for Plant Protection, Beirut (Lebanon) ICARDA United Kingdom

25. Bayaa, B.; Kabakebji, M. 2003. Sources of resistance to ascochyta blight and chocolate spot in a faba bean core collection from north African countries (Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia). Eighth Arab Congress of Plant Protection: Abstract Book 8th Arab Congress of Plant Protection. 12-16 Oct 2003, El-Beida (Libya) p. 108-109A p. 102-103E. (Ar;En). Bayaa, B. Makkouk, K.M. Kumari, S.G. El-Ghariani, I. (eds.). Arab Society for Plant Protection, Beirut (Lebanon) ICARDA

26. Malhotra, R.S.; Baum, M.; Udupa, S.M.; Bayaa, B.; Kababbeh, S.; Khalaf, G. 2003. Ascochyta blight research in chickpea - present status and future prospects. Pages 108-117. Proceedings of the International Chickpea Conference Chickpea Research for the Millennium. 20-22 Jan 2003, Raipur, Chhattisgarh (India) (En). Sharma, R.N. Srivastava, G.K. Rahore, A.L. Sharma, M.L. Khan, M.A. (eds.). ICARDA

27. Bayaa, B.; Pala, M.; Khalil, S.; El-Hossein, N.; Sarker, A.; Haddad, A.; Kharrat, M.; Erskine, W.; Saxena, M.C . 2003. Integrated management of Orobanche on food legumes. Expert Consultation Meeting. 6-9 April 2003, Rabat (Morocco) (En). ICARDA

28. Bayaa, B.; Al-Hossain, N.; Erskine, W. 2000. Integrated management of lentil broomrapes in Syria. 7th Arab Congress of Plant Protection: Abstract Book 7th Arab Congress of Plant Protection. 22-26 Oct 2000, Amman (Jordan) p. 237-238. (Ar;En). Bader, A.K. Hasan, H.S. (eds.). Arab Society for Plant Protection, Beirut (Lebanon) ICARDA

29. Kumari, S.G.; Makkouk, K.M.; Bayaa, B.; Al-Khalaf, M. 2000. Pea enation mosaic virus infecting lentil in Syria, and further information on its host range, purification, serology and transmission characteristics. Abstract Book 7th Arab Congress of Plant Protection. 22-26 Oct 2000, Amman (Jordan) p.342. (Ar;En). Bader, A.K. Hasan, H.S. (eds.). Arab Society for Plant Protection, Beirut (Lebanon) ICARDA

30. Bayaa, B.; Amaraya, S. 2000. Comparison of inoculation methods with the disease complex Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotinia sclerotiorium on lentil under plastic house conditions. 7th Arab Congress of Plant Protection: Abstract Book 7th Arab Congress of Plant Protection. 22-26 Oct 2000, Amman (Jordan) p. 165. (Ar;En). Bader, A.K. Hasan, H.S. (eds.). Arab Society for Plant Protection, Beirut (Lebanon) ICARDA

31. Obaedo, H.; Bayaa, B.; Mamluk, O.F. 2000. Survey of Septoria diseases on wheat and their distribution in Syria. 7th Arab Congress of Plant Protection: Abstract Book 7th Arab Congress of Plant Protection. 22-26 Oct 2000, Amman (Jordan) p. 156-157. (Ar;En). Bader, A.K. Hasan, H.S. (eds.). Arab Society for Plant Protection, Beirut (Lebanon) ICARDA

32. Kumari, S.G., K.M. Makkouk and B. Bayaa. 1997. Viruses causing yellowing symptoms affecting cool-season food legumes in some West Asia and Red Sea Countries: distribution and some control measures. 209-210 in Sixth Arab Congress of Plant Protection: Abstract book, ASPP/CNRSL, 27-31 October, 1997, Beirut, Lebanon (W. Khoury and B. Bayaa, eds.). [Ar, En]. Abstract No. V34. (Published in Arab Journal of Plant Protection 15(2):102, 1997, No. 101).

33. Newton, P.G., Bayaa, B..O. and Halisky, P.M. 1989. Relationship of Acremonium endophyte to foliar fungal pathogens of grasses. Bulletin of New Jersey Academy of Science. 34 (2): 46

34. Bayaa, B..O., Newton, P.G. and Halisky, P.M. 1987. Antibiotic properties of Acremonium endophytes isolated from grasses. Bulletin of New Jersey Academy of Science. 32 (1): 47.

35. Bayaa, B.., Halisky, P.M. and White, F.J. 1986. Interaction between Acremonium spp. and the mycoflora of Festuca and Lolium. Phytopathology. 77 (11): 115.

36. Halisky, P.M., Saha, D.C., Bayaa, B.. and Funk, C.R. 1986. Fungal endophytes in Festuca and Lolium. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 8: 350.

Edited Book/Dictionary"

1. Bayaa, B., K.M. Makkouk, S.G. Kumari and I. El-Ghariani (Editors). 2003. Abstract Book of Eight Arab Congress of Plant Protection, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, El-Beida, Libya, 12-16 October, 2003. 143 Pages (English) & 149 Pages (Arabic).

2. Precise in Plant Pathology

3. General Microbiology

4. Bayaa, B and Khoury, W. 1997. Abstracts’ book. Sixth Arab Congress of Plant ProtectionASPP/CNRSL, 27-31 October, 1997, Beirut, Lebanon (W. Khoury and B. Bayaa, eds.)


Chapter in books

1. Weidong Chen, Ashwani K. Basandrai, Daisy Basandrai, Sabine Banniza, Bassam Bayaa, Lone Buchwaldt, Jenny Davidson, Richard Larsen, Diego Rubiales, and Paul W. J. Taylor. 2009. Lentil Diseases and their Management. Chapter 17 in: Lentil: Botany, Production and Uses. W.Erskine, B. Sharma and A. Sarker (eds.) CABI. 468 pp.

. Bayaa, B and Erskine, W. 1998. Diseases of Lentil. Pages in: Allen, D.J. & Lenné, J.M. (Editors). The pathology of food and pasture legumes. CAB International, Wallingford, United Kingdom, 786 pp.

3. Bayaa, B. 2000. Fusarium wilt of lentil. CABI. 2000. Compendium of Plant Diseases